Supercharge Your Performance with dynamic taping
You may have seen this coloured tape worn by sports players arranged in different patterns and configurations. Rocktape is a dynamic ‘stretchy tape’ and engineered to mimic the human skin. It has a special weave woven into the cotton, allowing a stretch in only one direction. Together, these properties create a “Biomechanical Lifting Mechanism”. This simply means that the tape can lift the skin away from the soft tissue underneath the skin. This lifting capability is what promotes blood flow and lymphatic drainage thereby accelerating recovery from injuries.

Rocktape is superior to other types of dynamic tape as it can stretch up to 190% of its original length and has amazing “snap-back” or recovery.
It can be used to stabilise muscles and joints that have been sprained or strained. Unlike braces and sleeves that constrain and reduce blood flow, Rocktape can provide support and stability while increasing blood flow. Thus, the tape’s capabilities make it well suited to the repair of localised muscle groups. This is what gives Rocktape its performance advantage over other tapes.
With respect to musculoskeletal injuries, the application of dynamic tape alone will unlikely be sufficient to achieve full recovery. Most injuries will undoubtedly require some form of treatment in conjunction with kinesiology tape. Kinesiology tape is a great adjunct to chiropractic, soft tissue, dry needling and other various forms of treatment.
Tom’s thoughts
Traditional athletic tape is rigid and doesn’t stretch. If you had just sprained your ankle, I’d be more inclined to use a rigid tape. This would stabilise the joint, giving it the needed rest whilst in it’s acute stage. Once you were more confident to bear weight through your ankle, I’d Rocktape it. The tape would still offer a degree of support but more importantly, stimulate the muscles and nerves around the ankle to work more responsively. Furthermore, it would facilitate a reduction in inflammation.
Is this treatment right for me?
Using kinesiology tape is most effective when preceded by other treatment modalities. It is most commonly used in sporting injuries to the upper and lower limbs although some people report positive results when used for postural conditions of the neck and spine. If you are experiencing any of the below symptoms, this service might be the right choice for you.
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